Resources and links page updated with government contacts

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Brothers and Sisters,

We have updated the Resources & Links page on our website to include links to help you find Members of Parliament, Members of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta and provincial municipal officials.

Why is this information important?

First and foremost, we encourage all our members to stay engaged about government programs and policies that may impact you and your work, as well as your family. In particular, you and your family may have questions about policies and procedures related to education funding. You might also be concerned about health care resources, including doctors who are leaving the province due to ongoing cuts and a lack of negotiations.

As your council, and in conjunction with our partners at the Building Trades of Alberta, we meet regularly with government representatives and officials to highlight concerns and challenges on behalf of our members. Making our elected officials more accountable is intrinsic to democracy and the rights and freedoms we all enjoy as Canadians. While this advocacy is an important part of our work, it’s also important that you ensure your individual voices are heard.

Please be sure to stay informed and stay engaged.

Derrick Schulte

Executive Secretary Treasurer

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